Wednesday, September 26, 2012

My oh my....

 Oh guys, I haven't forgotten about you all..  It's just been so hectic going back to work and trying to get in the swing of things. Ugh!

Work feels like I never left which is neither good nor bad.... Just keep heading in there til I win the lottery, then I'll be able to stay home with my little guy all day :) Wishful thinking right?

We took Lucas apple picking. What a good little sport he was! I'll post some pictures next time.

As for now, gonna go scoop up the little guy and put him in bed... and maybe take a few minutes to relax!

I'll be back soon :)

No post is complete without a picture!!!

1 comment:

  1. oh, he's so cute!

    i'm about to become a mom myself.. in a couple of weeks, actually. i'm so excited and scared at the same time. i'm so glad i found this blog; i'm now following, so we can share our experiences! hope you can find the time to come visit me too sometime. have a great weekend!

    it must be (so)... liberating


Hi there! Thanks for commenting! I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible!