Monday, October 7, 2013

A color run

On Sunday, my sister and I did a color run. if you want to look it up. It was the best time. I was nervous we were going to be last (me being 5 months pregnant and all) but we weren't and it really wouldn't have mattered much anyway. It was so much fun. I would really like to do it again next year!!
I'm posting via my phone, so sorry if the format is all screwed up! Hopefully the pics are below!!

In Luke news, I was laying on the floor trying to see of Eric could feel the baby kicking (he was super active tonight) and Luke came over, put his head on my tummy and said "baby". It was pretty adorable.

And sometimes if you ask him what animals say (ie. What does a dog say? He'll answer "woof") if you slip in a "what does mumma say?" He'll reply with "no, no, no, no, no."
Apparently I tell him no a lot. Ah kids! Too funny.

That's all I've got for tonight. Going to work on some etsy orders, a baby blanket for a friend then try to sleep.... which has not been coming easily lately...

Have a great night everyone!!!

P.s. check out the sweet blue unibrow on that sister of mine!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Apple picking.. and some news.

So, I'm terrible. Horrible at this whole blogging thing.

Honestly, I've had good intentions. I keep meaning to log on and write, but then I just don't.

My etsy store has been keeping me pretty busy, I just sent out 6 orders this morning.

But let's move past the fact that I haven't posted since June.

We found out a few days before father's day that we're going to have another baby! On Sept 18th we found out that we're having a boy. Another little goofy to try to keep up with. We're so excited!

So needless to say, I've been a little busy around here.

A few Saturdays ago, we took Luke apple picking. My brother came home from college so he could go with us too. We all had a really great time. I think Luke ate about 4 apples that day. 

Probably going to be our Christmas Card.... I mean, how cute is this!
 At the apple orchard, we also took Luke to feed some goats. He had a blast. He keep giggling when the goat would eat out of his hand.

This little boy has grown up so much in the past 15 months, I can't even believe it. Sometimes I'm surprised at all that he knows.
He knows when I tell him things are trash to put them in the trash. He knows to bring his dirty socks to the washing machine. He likes to sweep. And eat apples. He loves fruit. He has an opinion about what he'd like to eat, and wear, and watch and play with. He's just amazing to me.

I can't wait for our new little guy to arrive to see how Luke will react to not being the center of attention all the time. I'm sure he's going to be a great big brother.

Rambling done. Good night, everyone!