Monday, March 17, 2014


So my two boys are currently sleeping, I don't even want to move in fear of creaking the floor and waking them up.
I'm feeling so lucky lately. Aside from Zach being uncomfortable with a tummy issue, he's really only 5 weeks old so we're still learning about each other. He cries a lot and we haven't been able to comfort him. But we're working on it.

I'll leave you all with a few snapshots

Sunday, March 9, 2014


Dear babies, 
You're my world. I couldn't imagine my life without either one of you. 
Lucas, you make me laugh every single day. When you say beep beep brother I can't help but smile. I'm amazed by the things you know. Every day you know something new. The fact that you know green means go and red means stop is incredible. I love that you love your daddy. And that you need us to turn on the moon every night before we close your door when you go to bed. And that you said "love you" unprovoked to me today. Cue melting heart. 

Zach, you're my buddy. I can't believe a month has already passed since you were born. You're a completely different kid than the one we brought home. You get sad if you're in a room by yourself during the day. You love to be held and walk around the house with me. You're eating me out if house and home already. I think one can of formula per week is going to exhaust me, but I'm glad you're eating so well. I cannot wait to see you grow and learn. And I really think you like when big brother pays attention to you. And helps give you a bath.... Which mainly consists of Luke putting his hands in the water and making handprints on my back while I wash you...

This is life lately. And I'm ok with it. 

Projects are slowly getting finished. My list of things to do is never ending. Although I'm so glad the kids are both in bed by 8 at the latest. 

Off to finish a project!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Life as we know it

So life has been a little hectic lately. Two under two is taking its toll on us. Luke is now 20 months and Zach will be 1 month old on Friday. Time is flying. I had A flu type bug last week that I'm still feeling effects from. I only have 8 1/2 more weeks on maternity leave, the temperature is still below freezing and all I'm longing for is warmer weather.

Eric and I recently got invited to a wedding. A destination wedding of sorts. In NH. I've been going back and forth on whether or not we should leave the kids and get away for a weekend. My mom offered to hang with the kiddos for the weekend (it's in June, right before Luke turns 2 and Zach will be almost 5 months) and part of me feels guilty because Zach will probably still get up in the night and who wants to make someone else get up in the night with your kid? But she said she doesn't care so we decided to take the opportunity and book our weekend. Pretty pumped about it! Kid free for a whole weekend! 

But back to hectic life. Luke's been kind of clingy lately. He has never been attached to me. I was always just the constant factor that was around, but he never runs to me or begs for me, he's always been a daddy's boy. Which I'm ok with. But lately he's wanted me. Which is nice. He doesn't get jealous when I hold the baby, which I thought he would, he just needs me around. He's been waking up crying for me. I asked him how his nap was yesterday and he burst into tears. Break my heart, little boy.

Zach's kind of an independent. If I hold him too much he gets cranky. If I don't hold him enough, he gets cranky. He used to cry. A lot. But we figured out he was having painful gas and have added drops to his bottles and he's SO much happier. He's been cooing and making eye contact lately. We're trying to get him on a nightly schedule along with his brother so they both recognize that after bath it's bed time (Luke has been on this schedule since he was 2 months old) but now with two, we need to start it a little earlier. It's been working out so far. Zach takes abath, then hangs out with daddy while Luke takes a bath then Luke goes to bed and we then try to get Zach to bed. It'll only get easier from here!

Got to hang out with these dudes all day yesterday.

But in me news, I lost 27 lbs after having the baby. I feel like I still need to lose 50. I signed up for the Warrior Dash which I'm pumped about but the date got moved up almost an entire month. It was June 28 and got moved to May 31. So I'm a little stressed that I won't be in the shape I was hoping to be in for it. But I guess I could always do it again next year. I've been dying to run. Like craving it. I want warmer weather so I can just go out and run.... And take the baby without worrying that he'll freeze to death. 

Hopefully soon.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

20 Questions

I have come across this on many blogs and decided to do my own.
Yes I'm aware it has been months upon months since I have blogged. Maybe I'll update you on the happenings of life soon. But for now, 20 questions is what I can manage.

1. What brings you the greatest joy? My family.
2. What are your vices? Chocolate pudding and Oreos.
3. What is on your nightstand? A lamp. The video monitor to spy on the kiddos. A bunch of junk.
4. Do you have a secret talent? I can pick up things with my toes....
5. What is your greatest indulgence? Cameras and handbags.
6. What should every woman try at least once in her life? I have no idea. Honestly. Just try to step out if your comfort zone at least once.
7. What makes you laugh? My kids. Every day. And my husband. 
8. What is the one thing people would be surprised to know about you? I don't really have any secrets... I guess some people would be shocked that we now have 2 kids....
9. What is on your bucket list? Warrior Dash. (May 31st!!! Woo!!!)
10. What is on your feet right now? Shiny Red slippers
11. How did you make your first dollar? Doing chores I guess.
12. What superstition do you believe in? I always knock on wood. 
13. What items in your closet do you wear the most? T-shirts and yoga pants.
14. What is the best gift you've ever received? My kids.
15. What is on your liquor shelf? I don't have a liquor shelf.
16. What is on your kitchen counter? The clean dishes.
17. What would you never leave home without? My wallet. And my phone.
18. What movie has the greatest ending? Shawshank. 
19. Who is on your guest list for your ideal dinner party? Kevin Spacey, Clive Owen, Kevin Bacon, Helen Mirren, and all the guys from Impractical Jokers who arrive fashionably late.
20. What is the one thing you wish you had known when you were younger? Not to stress so much (I still need that reminder occasionally)

Do your own, I'd love to read your answers!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Little Boy

Dear Little Boy,
You're still my baby and will always be, but soon it won't be only you, daddy and me. Soon you'll be a big brother. I hope you continue to be the cool little dude you are right now.
You're so smart. You surprise me every day. You know all of your body parts and all of the noises that animals make. You can get your point across fairly well.
You love candy. Probably more than anything else. Except ketchup. You LOVE ketchup. Even if we tell you it's ketchup but it's really syrup for your waffle. You've been eating your waffles with grated cheese too, which kind of makes me cringe, but it just makes you unique.
I can take you anywhere with me. You love going places. You love to give kisses and hugs. You're so polite. Always saying thank you and trying to remember please.
You can do your shapes block like a champ and can even recognize the shapes we ask you for. Especially circle and star.
I hope you'll teach your brother all the cool things you know. Like how to pretend to be a ghost and walk with a blanket draped over him to scare us. And to not pee on me when I change his diaper.
I hope you guys are on the same sleep schedule when you get older. You're my little early bird which helps since we usually wake up around the same time.
You're my Buddy. My first baby boy. You've changed my life more than you could ever imagine. I love you so very much.
Love, Mumma