Saturday, November 3, 2012

November already?

Apparently it's been a little busy over in the Miller Household lately. With doctors appointments and Halloween and such, I just haven't been able to post! Sorry guys!

Last week, like the 24th, Lucas has his 4 month checkup. He's getting so big! 14 lbs 9.8ozs and 24.5" tall. Crazy! I swear this kid is going to be 6 feet tall soon. But anyway, now he can eat rice cereal (and you know, applesause, ice cream, frosting... whatever we try him on- can't make him feel left out at the dinner table, can we....) He's starting to try to hold his own bottle, which is awesome, but it tends to distract him from the actual drinking of the bottle. Silly boy.

The 25th was trick-or-treat down Main Street our my town. I think I've only missed a year or two since they started doing it (couldn't get out of work) but this year was so much fun, we took our dressed up Little Dragon and marched our way downtown. His first little candy was a tootsie roll, which he proceeded to try to eat (wrapper and all) and poked himself in the eye a few times. Still trying to work on those motor skills..

Eric and I carved a few pumpkins on the 27th. Maybe next year Lucas will get goopy with us!
 This is his first halloween- trying to get a pic of him smiling is kinda hard. He looks at the camera like "Stop mom"

I kind of love this photo from his first Halloween.
 Now it's November. The 3rd to be exact. And here we are.
I started back up on the diet and exercise thing. I gotta get back to pre-baby weight. Contemplating signing up for a 5k somewhere so that I can have a goal. Pretty disappointed with my mile time today- so I have to stay motivated to keep it up! Definitely not easy.

This is today. Lucas sitting in the $500 rocking chair I got for $34 at a yard sale. He's so silly.
Hopefully I'll post more. I say that all the time, but really, life is a little busy lately to post a lot.

Have a wonderful November everyone- Let's be optimistic that I'll post at least a few times this month!!!

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