Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas from us to you!

Enjoy your holiday everyone, whether you celebrate Christmas or not, enjoy the time and spend it with those you love!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Enjoy Life. Every Moment.

Yesterday, there was a shooting at an elementary school in Newtown CT. 
This world is unbelievable. I have such a hard time thinking/talking/writing about this topic. Honestly, I get really panicky when it comes to death in general, and now having Lucas has made that even worse.
I could not even imaging getting my little kiddo ready for a day at school and then be called with this news.
President Obama's speech brought me to tears.
I hugged Lucas a little tighter when I got home.
I can't even begin to imagine the kind of pain and suffering everyone at that school is going through right now.
Terrible things are happening all year so I'm not focusing on this one only because I think it's the worst, it's just so recent and so devastating.
Kids and adults and animals are being hurt and tortured every single day. People live with painful diseases every day that there are just no cures for that the world doesn't hear/know about. There is suffering, every day and all day.
I suppose it just takes certain events in life to let you remember what's important.

My child is safe. My husband is safe. My family is safe.
We have a roof over our heads. We have food. We have heat.

That's what is important. The petty crap that goes on, the cattyness, the bullying, the fights with friends, the gossiping, the complaining, all of that doesn't really matter.

Be greatful for what you have, whether it was earned or given, be thankful for those around you that make your life what it is.
Those are my thought about it all. I didn't want to seem heartless and not share my feelings on the subject, but honestly, it's hard for me.

On a brighter note.

Want to know what happens when grammy feeds a little boy a coffee ice cream cone?
Not being able to go to sleep, and waking up at 2:30 a.m. with a tummy ache (and a smile and a giggle)  and a really sleepy day for mumma.

ALSO- Big news people!
We have a sitter. Lucas is sitting up on his own- with the occasional accident or two (but who counts those, right?)

AAH he's getting so big! I'm not ready. Well, really, I'm ready. But he's my little guy that wants to be a grown up already. Slow down, baby boy, I'm trying to remember every little thing you have done in your (almost) 6 months you've been here.

And guess who has his first tooth!

Now I'm just trying to prepare myself for painful biting and more teeth coming soon.

Try to have a good weekend everyone. 
I know it'll be hard with everything that went on yesterday.
Enjoy life. Every moment.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


I totally just sold my first item on etsy tonight.

How pumped am I?

Very pumped.

It's been hectic and crazy and I knew it would be, especially starting this all up at Christmas time. But luckily the holidays are almost here and then I'll be able to focus more on my etsy store and getting that more stocked.

But for now I'm making like 10 projects all at the same time. And teaching myself to knit again. And trying to use my new fancy Holga lens I bought (check one thing off of my list for 2013 - get new unique lenses for my camera). And taking care of an almost 6 month old. Guys- he's going to be 6 months old in just under 2 weeks. Am I losing it, or is the time just flying by? For real.

He's starting to sit up on his own now. And stand (for like 2 seconds- which makes me super nervous- who needs a mobile kid soon - not this girl, let me tell you). 

But if you're bored, or happen to be perusing etsy.com- check out my little store

I'm hoping to get more things up on the store soon!

That's pretty much all for tonight. Going to package up my item and call it a night...

But don't you just love this kid?! I know I do!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Good Morning!

It's 4:45 and my boys are sleeping.

But I'm wide awake.

Remember how I told you I started an etsy store? Well, it has been occupying my brain and my free time once Lucas goes to bed. I still want to have it a little more stocked before I post it on here. I won't feel so bad once there's a few more listings. But to be truthful, my test pieces that I've given people have had great reviews, so you guys probably won't have to wait much longer to find out ;)

I also emailed about doing a craft fair next winter. Which will be completely awesome. Maybe I should look into more of them too. And get business cards... hmmm.

I know I should probably go for a run right now, but honestly, I have barely a moment to contain all my thoughts during the day (you know, with work and all... doesn't work always get in the way?) that I thought I would post on here and then maybe take a nice long shower. Talk about pampering myself, huh?

Well, here's to new endeavors and finger crossing and exciting new projects.

And I'm totally going to print this out and hang it on our bedroom wall.
If you know us, or want to know us, this sums us up completely.

Have a great morning/day/night everyone. I'll get busy making up more things and then I'll post about my etsy store!

P.S. Totally going to teach myself how to knit soon!! Woo!